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Thursday 29 June 2017

13 Reasons Why - Episode 11

Clay's tape...

13 Reasons Why
Episode 11: Tape 10, Side A

Ya girl's back, I took an extended break from the series because I knew this episode was next and I didn't want to see this character hurt and I didn't want to know of Hannah's reason for it even though I kind of already knew what it was. Either way, I avoided it because I wasn't looking forward to it but you can't keep running from your commitments.

Episode Plot: Clay finds out how "he killed Hannah"'s equal parts stupid and heartbreaking.

Opening credits: These are still some ugly, headache inducing opening credits. The music, however, does seem to fit with the tone of the show. The music is a little uncomfortable and the topics of suicide/teen suicide/blaming everyone around you for your choice to end your life are uncomfortable and in the case of this show, controversial. I stand by what I said in an earlier review that Th1rteen R3asons Why is still fuck ugly and shouldn't be a thing that they continue into the second series.

Go away: What did Clay do to Hannah to kill her then? He did as she asked. They were alone together, getting ready to do the do but then she gets flashbacks to everything that's happened to her before and she freaks out and gets upset. Fair enough, Clay asks her what's up and she just tells him to leave her alone and that she doesn't wanna see him. So he does as he's told, he respects her wishes and leaves her to it. How does Hannah manipulate the situation for her to be the victim? She says Quote: "But you walked out the door like I told you to. Why did you have to leave?" ...??????

Excuse me, honey, no man is psychic in fact a lot of them are idiots but half of the time I think that's down to us not explaining ourselves. If you wanted to be left alone but not then just ask him to sit with you for a bit, maybe he would have sat and calmed you down, told you he loved you maybe. This is such a problem with people, mostly girls but some guys do it too where they say one thing but mean another, there are memes about it and it's not a healthy thing to do. Do not expect anybody to read your mind when you say one thing but mean another. If you want someone to leave you alone but stay with you then say that and lay out the boundaries, if you're hungry and know what to eat don't say "I don't know" then shoot down every option you're given unless your option is given. Don't do that, what do you achieve in doing that? It seems pretty manipulative the more you think about it, doesn't it? You're controlling whoever you're doing this to and it makes them feel bad when you call them out on it're the one being an ass. Just my opinion tho, if you wanna be that kind of person then you go for it, nothing I say is gonna stop you.

I love you: This episode made me cry, I won't deny it, I'm human. I cry at everything lately I mean...the other day I said I'd fight someone or something, Ben said no you're too soft so I was like nah, I'm not soft I'll fuckin fight and he said, out of his mouth, to my face "no, you're more like a liquid". Man, that set me right off, I was in tears from being called a fucking liquid. Point being, my boyfriend gave me the weakest insult and I cry over the smallest things.

The scene that made me cry in this episode wasn't a small thing, it was a scene in which Clay was thinking about how things could have gone differently, how he should have pressed Hannah for an answer to see if she was ok and what was up, how he should have told her he loved her, how she said "why couldn't you say that when I was alive" and...fuck man it's just heavy. Like it's heavy because if you've gone through any kind of loss, whether it be falling out with a friend, to ripping a plastic bag to death, you can spend a hell of a lot of time just dwelling on what you could have done differently, what you could have said differently to ensure things go down a different path. It's heartbreaking to just watch this scene, even worse to see Clay stand on the edge of a cliff wanting to jump off because he was too scared to tell Hannah he loved her and because he believes he was the one who killed her.

Texting the victim: Moving on from sadness we get some anger. Justin gets into an argument with his step-dad/mothers boyfriend and leaves, heads over to Bryce's house where he finds Jessica, a little drunk and playing cards with her rapist. In an attempt to upset Justin further she sits on Bryce's lap and Justin reacts by dragging her the hell out of there, she's like "go on, say it bitch, tell me what my drunk ass knows" and he does, he tells her Bryce raped her and she fucking slaps him. I understand that but like...shouldn't you have done that to Bryce too???? Then, later in the night, Jessica is crying on her bed, obviously trying to come to terms with what's happened and you know what happens? Fucking Bryce. Bryce has the balls to text her saying something like "hey you ok?" Like, no, that's gross and inappropriate and I hope you get what's coming to you butthead. Fuck off.

Those were the big points for this episode. It's a heavy one but an important one and it made me cry. Peace out, see you tomorrow.

This is just my opinion and if you disagree then that's great, I'm open to discussion and I'm always interested to hear how you feel about this episode/series. This is also a critique which is considered "Fair Use" under the Copyright Act 1976. If you like this series then go and support its creators by watching it again on its platform. 

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