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Tuesday 20 June 2017


Another animal revenge film...

Director: Michael Anderson
Writers: Luciano Vincenozi 
               Sergio Donati

A film similar to Jaws's not at the same time. You can almost certainly tell that this film was at least inspired by Jaws but at least the animal has a motivation and follows through on its revenge plan.

So before I get into the story and the weird shit in it, I would like to praise the film for the way it depicts Orcas, Orcas are very intelligent, emotional and absolutely beautiful animals, hell I think at one point they even say that these animals want to be your friend rather than your enemy. Then again I could have gotten that line from Blackfish which is a documentary that I have a lot of admiration for. I'm also pretty certain that those who say "oh it's not accurate because Seaworld didn't get to have a say in it" haven't seen the documentary or they would have seen the part where they say the creators reached out to Seaworld for comment and declined the opportunity to do so. So there. I went way off topic there but for the time this came out, it's pretty well informed about these stunning creatures and doesn't misrepresent them (as much) as Jaws does to sharks.

Another thing I have to praise this film for is not going for the cheap happy ending. It would have been so easy for these characters to follow this thing to the icy land of...I don't remember but this place was full of Yes, that's a good sentence from my brain. Yeah, it would have been a people pleaser to kill off the creature and have the town saved but, honestly, I'm glad it didn't. This Orca was on a mission and didn't stop until the job was done, a true inspiration to us all, albeit that mission was revenge murder but...he followed through at least, and that's something to be admired.

There are a couple of stupid moments in this, such as the town not allowing the main characters to leave town because they want this animal gone and are adamant that these guys get rid rather than...oh I don't know, grouping together and doing it as a group rather than sending out a couple of people on a boat that was nowhere near stable enough to get through everything it did but that's the power of film. Another stupid moment was just this line. Quote: "You'll never catch a killer whale." Like....honey, I'm sure a lot of places not dissimilar to Seaworld have done this and (in their eyes) successfully. Don't lie to yourself or anyone about not being able to catch a killer whale, I mean it's probably a bitch to do's possible.

Now this part, I had to look up. After the male Orca watches his pregnant mate be captured, I think miscarry and then die, he obviously screams in agony for her death and then pushes her to the beach front that our main characters have docked at. According to a few articles that I looked at these animals do mourn their dead, which...thinking about it is understandable given they have a higher emotional capacity than humans do and are able to form strong bonds like humans do, nothing I read, however, says that they display the sort of power move that this one does in the film. There are records of Orcas and other marine life carrying their dead, similar to how the Orca in the film does so...points to the carrying of the dead and mourning and...Know what I'm not gonna say points deducted because this was a power move. This Orca knows what it's about. I admire this one, my all new role model in life.

I didn't really pay much attention to the human characters because, like in Jaws, they were just flat out boring and there wasn't really all that much to say about them. I think there were two white guys, a Native American guy and a woman. I'm not sure what order these people got killed in but I know the woman comes out of it unscathed as once the Orca has gotten his revenge on the guy he perceived as killing his mate (I'm pretty sure there were other people on that mission, not 100%) he just kind of nods at her and goes away. It's a nice and quiet moment to let the death of this man sink in and the power of this intelligent animal. I'm sure the actors were at least trying their best but...I don't know they were just a bit boring.

This is a good film, I mean, I liked it enough to probably put it on again if I can't think of anything else to watch and I suggest you watch it too, if for nothing else than to look at all the similarities to Jaws.
Before I leave, I'll leave you with this. The only reason I actually remembered I wanted to watch this film is that Jaws was on the other night and I saw the name of the boat which happens to be Orca because of the fact that they're the natural enemy of the shark little bit of trivia that you're probably either never going to use, or use too much when you don't know what to say to someone new.

Thank's for reading this one, I'm sorry it's a bit crap but I've had a bitch of a headache all day, but I had the motivation to write this up after I did notes the other night. Thank you for bearing with me and I promise my next one will be better because I'm not gonna write while I have a headache again. Anyway, I've gone on long enough, check this film out if you've not seen it, check Jaws out if you've not seen it (how tho?) and also check out Blackfish too because even though it's really old it's an eye opener. Peace out guys.

 This is just my opinion and if you disagree then that's great, I'm open to discussion and I'm always interested to hear how you feel about this film. This is also a critique which is considered "Fair Use" under the Copyright Act 1976. If you like this film then please go and support its creators by buying the DVD or Bluray.

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