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Sunday 25 June 2017

Stop the sequels. I mean it. Stop...And stop remaking & rebooting stuff too.

I'm bored and wanted to write something so...this is that something.

So I was having a look at horror films coming up this year because that's my shit, I love horror because since I was traumatised as a child, I was desensitised to fear to come from an onscreen villain. I wouldn't advise all children do this, hell even any children. Back to the point, I love horror films and I always get excited when I see one advertised, ones that looked insanely good that more than lived up to expectations were Split (yes it is classed as a horror, I double checked it) and Get Out. However, while looking online at films that are coming...there's more sequels and reboots than there is originality which personally, I think defeats the point of true horror. If we keep seeing the same thing and don't get introduced to new concepts we're going to laugh rather than be scared. Look at the Paranormal Activity series, everyone thought that shit was scary when the first one came out, now look at it, 6 fucking films in and nobody cares about it anymore because it's lost its fear factor. Hell, it's even taken some of the life from the found footage genre because it all just looks and does the same thing now.

While on my search, do you wanna know how many sequels and reboots I saw? Well, you've read this far so I'm gonna tell you whether you wanna know or not: 25! Twenty fucking five. and I went through every list on the first page of google search, I looked at every single thing. Some are reboots, fair enough whatever, but most are sequels and a good chunk of them aren't even fucking warranted. Who's the shit who keeps begging for more Wrong Turn films? Who?! Show yourself. I can't get too angry, everyone has that one stupid thing they enjoy and judging by the stupidity of the human race lately I suppose it's not that far-fetched that people want more Wrong Turn films. But fuck me, why? If anyone reading this actually likes those films hit me up and let me know why ok? I just want to know the appeal.

So while I'm here, I'm gonna share with you what I found and what I think about it summed up in a short sentence or two. It's also not gonna be in any specific order, just the order that I found them in.

Already released

  • Rings. I didn't see it, I had no interest in it, I barely have any interest in the original. It's on this list because it's a reboot.
  • Alien: Covenant. This sucked, like...really sucked. It was boring, barely followed through on its ideas, had a criminal underuse of James Franco, pulled the dumbest twist right out of its arse. The "twist" wasn't even good, you could see it coming. It would have been better if they just didn't bother and let us think that's where it was going but...not go there if you get what I mean. It was just a pretty wank film in all honesty.
  • Kong: Skull Island. I think Ben and I were gonna see this but we went for something else....Not sure. It did look pretty good though.
  • Resident Evil: Vendetta. How many of these are there? Hold on. 6 or 7 I think. Why? Wasn't the last one called The Final Chapter? Shouldn't that mean it's the last one? Damn, ya'll are money hungry.
  • Halloween: The Night Evil Died. While looking this up, it seems as though it's not a corporate thing, more a fan film. I looked up a trailer and there wasn't one. Just gonna have to take this with a grain of salt, but there is a Twitter page for it, an IMDb page and an Indiegogo fundraising page describing this as a film "By fans, for fans." So hopefully it's good. If you want more info then go and look it up. 
  • Children of the Corn: Runaway. If you haven't seen the first one, go look it up, it's a Stephen King short story and it's such a strange choice's just golden. It's not good by any means but it's golden. So looking at this title I have mixed feelings, they could modern horror all over it (jumpscares, complicated plot, no Issac, gore) and that won't be good but you never know. It could be campy and fun and all that, so I'm holding out hope.
  • Jeepers Creepers 3: Cathedral. According to the Wikipedia article, this film takes place between the first and second film. I fucking hate "midquels" There's no point. You can't have a sequel then have an idea for before the sequel but after the original. Focus on your future, not your past. That's all I've got to say on the matter.
  • Wrong Turn 7. Nobody asked for this. Why is it happening? Upon further investigation, it seems like this is a hoax, yet some other articles are saying it's already started filming and is due for a release this year. I don't know and I don't care about it. If you wanna know more look it for yourself. This series is shit and gets worse with every instalment. 
  • Jigsaw. Previously titled Saw Legacy. I don't know what's going to happen with this, this could be a prequel considering it looks like Tobin Bell (John Kramer aka Jigsaw) might be a part of it, but then again they could just bring the very long dead (technically not) killer back to life and fuck with it. Maybe he had a sperm sample somewhere and one of his followers impregnated herself and it's his kid that's doing this. That'd be a cool angle to come from. Looking at the plot synopsis on IMDb it seems as though it's someone mimicking the murders, or Kramer is back and on the kill again. With a series seemingly grounded in a reality similar to ours ie: dead people don't come back to life, it seems a bit silly to bring the dead back to life. We'll just have to see.
  • Insidious: Chapter 4. While looking this up properly, it seems as though the internet doesn't know when this is happening, only that it is. an IMDb article says 2018 but when you type into the search bar "Insidious 4 release date" you get 3 November 2017. After looking at a couple of articles it seems as though Google is wrong. This is being released in January of 2018. Sorry to have wasted your time but it was originally scheduled for 2017 so it's staying on the list.
  • Chucky 7: Cult of Chucky. Can we just leave this doll be? Didn't the series get so stupid it started parodying itself like the Elm Street series? I hope this stays silly though because an attempt to "toughen up" this series seems a little redundant at this point.
  • Annabelle 2: Creation. Didn't we get this dolls origin story in the last one? Why add on yet another origin story onto it? There's no point but you know my dumb ass is gonna see this because I already saw the first one. 
  • Underworld: Blood Wars. I have literally no idea about this series except that this will be the 6th. Is it not time to stop? 
  • Deathgasm 2: Goremageddon. I don't know a single thing about the original film, but fuck, when this is out I'm gonna find it and watch the hell out of it just because of the title. 
  • Sharknado 5: Global Swarming. I only know about this because Ben loves this series, and I can't blame him really because I kind of love the first Sharknado film. It's so weird how this has become a thing considering it's so shit but maybe that's why it's a thing. Either way, it's set for a summer release this year.
Reboots / Remakes.
  • Puppet Master: The littlest Reich. This is apparently a big series, yet it's not talked about like all the other big series. That means one of two things, it's low budget underrated brilliance, or it's crap. I don't know, I've never seen any of them so I can't comment. 
  • Hellraiser: Judgement.  This is a pretty interesting one, personally, I've only ever been interested in Hellraiser because of the makeup. I've never seen any of the films but I've watched documentaries talking about the making of these films and it looks pretty good, maybe I'll actually watch the series before this comes out.
  • IT. I'm both glad and exhausted by this one. It's going to be a two-part thing which...if you've seen the mini-series/film or even looked at a copy of the book then you'll know that splitting this into two parts is a good idea. However, this isn't going to have my beloved Tim Curry in it and I just pray that Bill Skarsgård doesn't try to copy Curry's version of Pennywise and instead does his own thing and makes this version of the character his own. I'm already down for this to at least see what they do with it.
  • Day of the dead. A remake of George A Romero's zombie film probably update for a 2017 audience rather than a timeless purpose? No thanks, but we'll see how it goes.

There are a few other reboots such as Flatliners, Manic Cop, Tower of Terror, Suspiria and Re-animator: evolution but I've neither seen nor heard of those films and didn't feel like repeating myself.

The true horror seems to be a fear of something new, but with new content that's out like Split, Get Out, The Belko Experiment and the few others we've been treated to, maybe audiences will be more open to putting money into something new rather than something they're comfortable with. Hell, didn't our parents always tell us we're not gonna get anywhere if we stay in our comfort zones? Why aren't we listening to that? Because we've gotten way too comfortable in our comfort zones and we need something to kick us out of that mindset.

I also understand that filmmaking is a business and a new idea is always a risk but...isn't it worth the risk to challenge your audience with new and possibly uncomfortable ideas rather than just spoon feeding us the same thing over and over again because you know it's gonna bring in the big money? You'd get tired of chicken for every meal of the day, at some point you'd start to feel sick from it, maybe even start to hate it, forcing you to withdraw from chicken altogether meaning the chicken industry will lose out. You don't want that do you Hollywood? Do you guys even care? Probably not because you're getting paid to make these things which is sad because big companies can afford to take risks, in fact, it's healthy to take risks and possibly fail. You can grow past it, I promise. If you can't do that then please, at least for every reboot or sequel or prequel or fucking midquel, can we have something new just so that we have a choice to expand our minds? 

Anyway, that's it, I'm gonna watch Death Becomes Her because it's damn good, peace out and I'll see you on Tuesday.

This is just my opinion and if you disagree then that's great, I'm open to discussion and I'm always interested to hear how you feel about the films listed. This is also a critique which is considered "Fair Use" under the Copyright Act 1976. If you like the idea of the films listed then go and support its creators by buying tickets to see the films in cinemas or the DVD or Bluray when they're available for home release.

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