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Look at that, I made a page dedicated to how to talk to me. Somehow that feels a little conceited but whatever. Here are the ways you can talk to me about...anything really, my blog related, your blog or writing or anything else related. Even if you have a request or feedback contact me here. Go like or follow these things and if you like, share my work through them, if not I'm not gonna push you. But still, please go and like/follow whichever you prefer because that gives me a sense as to who is reading these.

  • Facebook: Some Girl talks about films
  • Twitter: @SomeGirlTalks 
  • Email:


Thank's for taking the time to look at these and if you've liked, followed or emailed me anything that's great, thank you again. 

Love you all, have a good day / evening / night whatever it is while you're reading this.

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