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Sunday 30 April 2017

13 Reasons Why - Episode 3

Alex's very boring tape

13 Reasons Why
Episode 3: Tape 2 side A

Honestly, this episode was just boring, it reiterated the same point over and over. Boys are dicks and will write mean things about you. I'm going to say now that this one might not be all that long because this episode's biggest crime was that it was just boring and I don't like repeating my same points over and over.

Episode plot: It's Alex's turn to take the blame because he took part in writing a list about the best and worst features on girls at school. It seems as though she covered this in her previous tape about Jessica and she probably could have put them both on the same tape.

Title card: Since the first episode something has been bugging me about the opening credits, and it's not just the fact that they're kind of unnecessary for a Netflix show that people binge on. It's taken me a little while to realise why I can't stand it and it's the way that the title of the show is presented to us. It's not just 13 Reasons Why or Thirteen Reasons Why, for whatever reason, someone decided that it'd be fun to combine the two, giving us Th1rteen R3asons Why and doesn't that just look fucking ugly? Do the people behind the scenes creating the title card think teenagers write this way? Especially highschoolers? I mean...maybe back in the early 2000's when Sk8r Boy was a thing it was probably cool to write that way but fuck, that's an assault to the eyes right there.

Clay: In this episode, we see Clay take a fucking volleyball to the wound on his head in gym class. It kind of comes out of nowhere but the guy wasn't paying attention and managed to just get smashed. It's painful to see and of course, the guy swears over the pain he's in. Does his gym teacher care? Fuck no, just tells him to watch his language. I mean...what a shitty teacher man. Christ.

Alex: The subject of today's tape and maybe even a victim of Hannah's spiteful tape crusade. Alex does admit to what he did and knows that what he did was terrible and rightfully so, feels terrible about it. He then *SPOILER IF YOU'VE NOT SEEN IT* tries to down himself, I'm not 100% on whether he did drown or if it was just an attempt or it was a very obvious visual metaphor to show how he's "drowning" in his own thoughts over this but damn, was this Hannah's intention? To get people to follow her if they can admit to themselves that they did a shitty thing to her? Is it me or does that sound like something out of a SAW movie?

Hannah: Thankfully, there wasn't a lot of her in this one. She continues to place blame and in this one, I do see how she could be extremely upset over the events. She becomes a pawn in Alex's petty relationship problem which causes her to lose her friend Jessica, she is then getting talked about behind her back and I mean who hasn't had that? Especially girls, girls are fucking horrible creatures and we're even worse in school because that's when we start becoming self-aware. The worst part about the episode which I do feel bad for her is where she's at the corner shop buying chocolate and Brice (Justin Prentice), a friend of Justin's, comes up behind her, grabs and squeezes her arse. That's disgusting behaviour and it's not right that he felt he had the right to do it because Hannah was noted as "best ass" on that list. It's disgusting and this is the only time so far that I support Hannah's right to be severely upset.

Tony: I'm literally going to count how many times Clay says "Tony, what the hell?" Or "What the hell, Tony?" It could be the show's secret catchphrase. Tony is also played by Christian Navarro who looks like he 100% does not belong in high school. He looks like he is in his mid-late 20's and has some gorgeous tattoos. I need some help working this out because are visible tattoos allowed in American high schools for 17/18-year-olds? If so then why is that ok? I need answers guys.

The girl's bathroom: Remember what I said when I was talking about the men's stalls in the first episode? How I was saying it was unrealistic that such lovely things were written on the walls? Remember what I said in an earlier paragraph about high school girls being evil? Turns out in this universe that's true, wanna know what they write on their walls? Here's a fancy little list for y'all.

  • Eat me
  • Megans a whore - look who's talking bitch
  • Amy is / has (I couldn't see it that well) a big wet cunt
  • Jamie is such a basic bitch
  • Megan is a whore and a cum dumpster
  • Lisa is a gang-banger
  • Diane is a whore
  • D.T / P.T (again I couldn't see it all that well but I'm sure it was one or the other) had an abortion - naming my next abortion after you bitch
  • Eat Shit Janis
  • Fuck you Amy
  • You are so ugly no on would even rape you
How vile is that? Very. How realistic is that? For America, I'm not sure but for over here it's definitely not, the worst thing you see in a women's toilet is the stuff that's meant to be in the toilet, is everywhere but in the toilet. It's a genuine nightmare for a girl to go to the bathroom in public. I don't even know how girls miss the toilet entirely and get stuff up the walls and on the floor. You guys attaching fucking tubes to yourselves and having water fights with the door closed or something? Fuck me, it's disgusting. 10/10 would not recommend using a public bathroom in (at the very least) the North West of England. I have yet to find out what the rest of the country is like.

Anyway, that's what I thought of that one, see you guys whenever for the next one. Hopefully, it won't be as dull as this one was. Peace guys.

This is just my opinion and if you disagree then that's great, I'm open to discussion and I'm always interested to hear how you feel about this episode/series. This is also a critique which is considered "Fair Use" under the Copyright Act 1976. If you like this series then go and support its creators by watching it again on its platform. 

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