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Wednesday 10 January 2018

Top 10 films released in 2017

Hella late to the party but here we are.

I'm more than aware I've not been doing this for the entirety of 2017, but, I have been watching films since...God, I don't know. Point is, just because I've seen a film in the cinema, doesn't mean I've written about it on here, why? It's either because I've not had the time or there wasn't much to talk about, or I saw it before I started this blog. I mean I only saw one film before I started this and yes it is going to be on the list.

So let's get to it, top 10 films I've seen this year, I've rewatched all (well...most) of them again and this is the best of what I saw, not that there was much of anything incredible that I saw but you know.

  1. Split       &       Get Out                I know I shouldn't have put two at my number one spot but Split and Get Out were two of the biggest films from the start of this year and I just couldn't really decide which is worth the top spot more than the other. And don't be like "Well it can't be a top spot if there's two things in it." Yes there can. It's my blog, my list, I decide.

    Back to the point, Split was an absolutely phenomenal return for the "king of twists" M. Night Shyamalan. Headed by the versatile James Macavoy and ended with the most prolific bald actor in Hollywood, Bruce Willis. Definitely have a peek at the multiple personality film that put Shyamalan back on top of his game.

    Next it's Get Out and this is a fantastic horror film about race that is not at all pretentious and not slamming anybody of any skin colour. Brilliantly written and performed with some darkish humour in there too, keep in mind this was written, produced and directed by Jordan Peele who is most known for his comedy with Keegan-Michael Key.

    ***Edit: it's gross that Get Out was snubbed by the Golden Globes, in the words of good ol' Latrice Royale: Good God Get A Grip Girl!***

    Both of these films are incredible and you should definitely go watch them where you can.                                                                                                  
  2. IT (2017)                                                                                                                                           I watched this back the other night with Ben and it's as good as I remember it, but it's got it's problems. Maybe I'll do a Youtube series revisiting my old cinema reviews and be able to fully pick film apart. Regardless of it's problems, it's still good, except for when it's not, the story flows, except for when it doesn't, the CGI works, except for when it doesn't. It's a genuinely well made film with a lot of effort put in but it just feels like one of those films that is made specifically for the big screen. Also, after watching it back, I was able to get clarification on a few things and settle some of my thoughts on it. I have also read the beginning part of the book where Georgie is killed and it doesn't explain that Georgie was tormented by this clown like his brother and the other kids. Guess Pennywise was just starving. Overall, it's a good film and if you're down to watch it then you should, if you don't like clowns then I wouldn't bother.                                    
  3. Detroit                                                                                                                               Another film based on race? Why? This one's based on a true story and when I watched it back I stopped breathing at some points. That's all you need to go check this out. If you need more convincing here we go:

    It's intense
    Based on a true story
    Genuinely got me to stop breathing
    Go see ittttt!!!!!!!!!
  4. Atomic Blonde                                                                              
    This one kinda flew under the radar for a lot of people and that's a shame. It's a good spy film with a couple of twists and turns you see coming and some that you don't. The film stars Charlize Theron and James Macevoy with a few appearences from Bill SkarsgĂ„rd, Pennywise from IT if you're struggling to place him, and John Goodman. It's so so so good and you need to see it.                                                  
  5. Valerian and the City of A Thousand Planets                                                                     Cara Delavigne can't act, the plot's kind of a mess but the rest of the film is great. The effects and designs and worlds and ideas are just so good that if that's all you pay attention to, you're in for a wild ride. It's worth the watch for the plot if you like messy plots that are full of nothing or if you like Cara but that's not for me. Go check it out though because a lot of critics slammed this film and it didn't deserve that. Go give it a cult following and sort that out. I've read a lot of things claiming this to be a passion project of director Luc Besson and it should at least be recognised and looked at for that alone.           
  6. The Ritual                                                                                                         
    Why did nobody see this? I want answers damn it! This was barely advertised and barely watched and barely talked about and that is so stressful. Is it because it's not an action packed, gory, suspenseful horror? Is it because it's pretty calm and almost an homage to The Blaire With Project and M Night Shyamalan's The Village? Is it because it's an English cast?  I hope not because that's just rude.

    You really should watch this, it's so good and I can't even express how disappointed I am that nobody went to see this or talked about it. Shame. Shame on all of you.                           
  7. Guardians of the Galaxy 2                                                                                                           I mean...obviously. It's Guardians 2. It's only so low on the list because of how predictable it was to someone who knows nothing about the stories or comics or anything.     
  8. The Lego Batman Movie                                                                                                          The Lego Movie was pretty sick and the best character from that film got his own movie? Of course that's on the list. It's only so low because at times it was predictable but wasn't fun in its predictablility. That's it, although it does get a lot of points for slamming Suicide Squad.
  9. Spider-Man Homecoming                      Another Marvel movie, another spot on the list. The reason this one is so low is because the villain, though portrayed by the best Batman, Michael Keaton, is a little boring sometimes and that's sad. I would also like some sort of short backstory as to how Spider-Man became Spider-Man. I get this one didn't want to harp on the backstory too much and pick up where it could but...some origin story for someone who didn't know anything would be nice. Don't make the whole movie about it, just maybe like a Previously in the Marvel Cinematic Universe... Y'know?

    Should watch it regardless of that though.
  10. Jumanji                                                                         Not as terrible as it looked and is a decent update on the Robin Williams classic. Very predictable and can run jokes into the ground, but a lot of the jokes are funny. It's got a really good cast of The Rock, Kevin Hart, Jack Black, Nick Jonas and Karen Gillan. I don't think that this is a remake, or a reboot, more a sequel. A lot of people told me it was a remake and that was a lie. This is most likely a sequel but it could also stand on it's own as a decent film about a game.

    Check it out in cinema's while you can, if not wait for it to come to DVD or Bluray.                                                            

If this is the best that 2017 can give me then I'm so down to watch what 2018 can give us. I hope it's better but if it's not, we got some decent things can't be that bad.

Stay warm in the cold guys, stay hydrated and I'm out. Peace.

This is just my opinion and if you disagree then that's great, I'm open to discussion and I'm always interested to hear how you feel about the films listed. This is also a critique which is considered "Fair Use" under the Copyright Act 1976. If you like the films listed then go and support its creators by buying the DVD or Bluray.

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