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Friday 12 May 2017

13 Reasons Why - Episode 6

I got it, I finally got it, Dylan Minnette is from that Don't Breathe film. 6 Episodes in and I finally worked out why he looked so damn familiar.

13 Reasons Why
Episode 6: Tape 3 Side B

This show is exhausting to watch. Or at least it is for me, I just have no motivation to want to finish this series and good God am I ready for this to just end. At least this one gave me something somewhat interesting to talk about, whether it knows it or not. I'm aiming to watch and write 3 of these up today and then I can leave it for a little while and then come back to it.

Episode plot: It's Marcus' tape and it seems like we're keeping up the narrative of guys being complete and total shit heads and not growing bored of a rumour when it's pretty much dead at this point. Clay also gets played by Sheri (Ajiona Alexus), who he seems to actually like until he finds out that she may have just been acting nice to get him to stop listening to the tapes.

Scar: I'm so bothered by the fact that Clay no longer has a plaster over his head gash, why has he not seen a doctor or nurse or someone with some sort of medical history? That thing genuinely looks like it could get infected any moment and I just need him to cover it up. For his own health as well as mine because that is giving me some severe stress related health issues...Although that could be eating 5 packs of Jaffa Cakes and living off coffee. I'm not sure, either way, I hope that that scar doesn't become some sort of health issue for Clay. This precious boy needs protecting.

Marcus: Remember how I said that Marcus was probably my favourite? At least for that one episode. Well, he sucks now. He's terrible. Why? Well, I'm gonna learn you a thing about the guys in this show. They all seem to think it's appropriate to somehow assault a girl because "she's easy".

I'll elaborate. It's Valentine's day (I think) at the school and they're doing a fundraiser "Oh my dollar valentine" where you pay a dollar, fill out a form saying who you are and what you're looking for in a partner. You hand the form back and you're given matches based on your answers with the person's number beside their name. That's a huge issue on its own but we'll leave it at that. Hannah ends up on Marcus' list so he calls her and asks her out. She spends a while thinking about it but decides she'll go out with him. He shows up like an hour late with all his friends and they seem to be watching them. Turns out, Marcus only appears to be a nice guy to Hannah when all he wants is to fuck her. He moves from his side of the booth to sitting beside her and runs his hand up her leg and under her skirt. Hannah obviously fights him off to which Marcus kicks off with her and storms out, probably feeling like he's wasted his time. Hannah just sits there in stunned silence and is visibly upset.

I don't know which is worse really, the attempted assault or the workers seemingly not caring about the very loud kick off and the clearly very upset girl shaking and crying in the booth. Now if this is really what went down then the workers are just horrible or just don't care. It's fairly likely that this is what happened but at the same time, we're also just listening to this from the point of view of a dead person, we can't fully trust this as we can't get the proper verification of these events. During Hannah's closing monologue, we see Zach sitting opposite Hannah so I think Zach is next on the list.

Clay: This poor guy is going through so much because of these tapes. He's getting so upset and the people around him think it's down to grief which, I suppose some of it is but it's probably mostly down to the emotional torture of these tapes. I really can't imagine what this is like for him and then for him to just seemingly get used by a girl he seems to genuinely have feelings for just adds a whole other level of emotional upset to this poor guy. Honestly, I won't be surprised if by the end of the series Clay ends up with Hannah. It's horrible just watching him want to reach out but ultimately can't because he doesn't know what sort of consequence he'll face from it. Will it be a beating from the people at school? Will it be unwanted therapy from the school? Will he have to testify in court? What about the pain it would put Hannah's parents through and would it be worth all of that trouble? I feel so bad for him and at this point, I hope he did something fucking terrible to make all this pain justified.

Guy talk: For all my complaints about this show, it seems to capture how guys talk about girls. Some are complete dickholes whereas some are nice and help others find love. I can only speak about how the lovely English boys talk, and the majority are almost complete scumbags. Then again I am only 19 and therefore I don't have much experience with mature guys, regardless it seems to have captured the language almost perfectly. It's nice to see a variety in language even when it seems that the characters themselves are a bit dull.

That's it for episode 6, it's taken me like a week to do this. When I started writing about this one I felt like I had little to no motivation and somehow I've found a little bit of motivation so I'm gonna burn that shit out and blast through as many of these that I can before I lose all energy to do anything again. See ya in the next one, peace.

This is just my opinion and if you disagree then that's great, I'm open to discussion and I'm always interested to hear how you feel about this episode/series. This is also a critique which is considered "Fair Use" under the Copyright Act 1976. If you like this series then go and support its creators by watching it again on its platform.

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