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Saturday 15 July 2017

Spider-man: Homecoming

Singularly the scariest Marvel film I've ever experienced.

Director: Jon Watts
Writers: Jonathan Goldstein (Screenplay and Screen Story)
               John Francis Daly (Screenplay and Screen Story)
               Jon Watts (Screenplay)
               Christopher Ford (Screenplay)
               Chris McKenna (Screenplay) 
               Erik Sommers (Screenplay)
               Stan Lee (Based on the comic)
               Steve Ditko (Based on the comic)
Runtime: 2hrs 13minutes

Plot: Peter Parker does his best to become an Avenger by going against Tony Stark's advice...

I'm gonna get this point out first. I'm sorry I didn't post the rest of my stuff this week. I didn't do that because I literally couldn't, I wrote everything up in a day and a night, I exhausted myself, I worked my fingers to the absolute bone and you wanna know what I did? My dumb ass didn't save shit so when it came time to post stuff, I had nothing to post. I suck. To make it up, I'm gonna write about the new Spiderman film even though I was planning on holding off on writing any Marvel film up because I wanted to wait for the series to end and then marathon it and just get it all out in one go. But oh well, here we go.

I'd also like to get this out of the way too, this is the scariest Marvel film I've seen. My heart fell right out of my arse about three times throughout the course of the film. It managed to find out what two of my biggest fears are, and threw them onto the screen for my dumb ass to sit through, I'm only glad I didn't see this in 3D or else it wouldn't have just been my heart that fell out of my arse. Do I wanna do spoilers? Nah, it'll be fine if I just talk about two scenes. The first scene that scared me: there's a scene where something happens an elevator and it falls, the cables break and this thing just starts to fall. Obviously, Spiderman (Tom Holland) saves the day, and I knew that was coming, but I did not breathe at all through that scene until everybody in that scene was safe. The second scene that scared the hell out of me was where this ferry gets split in half, I breathed a lot better during that scene but I swear that's scary as hell too if you're terrified of a Titanic disaster scenario. Finally, the reveal of the connection of Michael Keaton's Vulture villain to Peter Parker is very well done in terms of engaging the audience in a tense kind of fear. That fear where you think you heard a noise downstairs while you're in the shower but you're too scared to move because you don't wanna die but at the same time, you know there isn't shit to be scared of, it's probably the cat knocking something over. That kinda fear.

Speaking of Keaton, he is so damn good in this, I mean he is a great actor anyway and to have him go from a hero where he was hella perfect, to being a villain for the "rival" comic series is even better. He can be threatening, he can be kind, he can be relatable, his motivations are understandable and of course, he's fucking funny. I'm so happy he's getting work still, he's so good and I'm so glad his character doesn't get killed off, in fact, he even gets the after credits scene which is...not what I expected really. After credits scene is a different post altogether.

Putting praise on hold for a moment, I wanna complain about the Marvel opening credit which shouldn't be classed as a credit at this point, it should be just a scene all of its own. Seriously, Marvel, you take half an hour of my soul away with that long ass credit, your old one was fine, you know it's gonna get longer with the more films and characters you're adding. Quit while you're ahead. Please.

Back to praise, there are these weird short video thing where Captain America is doing these kinda PSA things which...are/were those a real thing? Like...they're very weird, borderline uncomfortable but the coach's reaction to them being "state required" to watch them and just not caring is great. Speaking of the coach, he's played by Hannibal Buress who...honestly if you put him in the right thing he's pretty funny. He's got a deadpan sort of comedy where it's almost like he doesn't care if you find him funny or not, which is cool but can come off wrong with the wrong script.

Uncle Ben doesn't make an appearance, you'd think he would considering his death is a big thing for Peter Parker's character development this film, it's just kind of glossed over in a line said by Aunt May. Hell his name isn't even said, all May says is something along the lines of "you're going through a lot" which could possibly be in reference to him? I dunno. I didn't see Civil War so if it's brought up there then I guess it's covered for this film but y'know. I don't know whether I like that Uncle Ben isn't really...a thing in this, I guess Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr....took me 10 minutes of thinking "Bruce Willis" before I looked it up) takes on the "Uncle Ben" role...kinda...but he doesn't die and just issues some tough love for this kid just dicking about in an expensive and highly technical suit which is fair enough like.

What else is there? Oh right yeah Deadpool. So, if there's one thing I would like for Disney and Fox to sort out, is a Deadpool / Spider-man / Iron Man film. Think about it, Tom Holland as Spider-man is precious, he's just a precious little naive kid who's just getting used to his shit and is a geek in a school for geeks. Ryan Reynolds Deadpool is the cockiest thing living outside of the fourth wall. The story could be Peter Parker has a fall out with Stark and the rest of the Avengers and falls into the hands of Wade Wilson, shit happens, it's all fun and games, they fight villains and shit and then Stark comes in and just balls them both out for all the wanton destruction they've caused while Wade is just cracking jokes about the Iron Man suit and the rest of the Avengers and oh man. I know that this probably doesn't happen in the comics and may never come to light due to the fact that two different companies have rights to different characters but you know what, I can dream. It'd be kind of like a Cat In The Hat sort of thing except...not. I'm gonna end up rambling and I could do an entire post about it and my whole idea that would never get picked up, which I might do...hmm.

Anyway, that's it from me for today, this is a really fun film to watch even if it does kind of expect you to know about the character of Spiderman and stuff, but y'know what, I don't think it matters really for those who haven't read the comics or seen the previous films. It still does well and is fun to watch, even if it is scary as hell. Ok, I'm done, go see this movie peace out. 

Also if you're wondering why it's called Homecoming, it's because there's a Homecoming dance in it which has no relevance to the rest of the story other than containing a moment that's semi crucial to the plot but it still kinda doesn't matter.

This is just my opinion and if you disagree then that's great, I'm open to discussion and I'm always interested to hear how you feel about this film. This is also a critique which is considered "Fair Use" under the Copyright Act 1976. If you like this film please go and support its creators by buying tickets to go see it in cinemas / buying the DVD or Bluray when the time comes.

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