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Sunday 16 July 2017

A female Doctor is a huge step forward in equality for the sexes

Why has this become about gender politics rather than just...entertainment?

I used to be a big fan of Doctor Who, my dad used to watch all the old episodes on Yesterday (if the channel is still called that) and sometimes, I'd watch with him and just enjoy it. They were fun and dark and light and emotional and just...good from what I remember. Then I remember watching the Christopher Eccleston Doctor on BBC3 and they were pretty cool too until he regenerated into David Tennant who honestly I loved so much, he was a perfect Doctor in my opinion. When Tennant became Smith, I gave it a chance but by that point, I wasn't really into it and didn't really like Matt Smith as the Doctor so I just left it, if it was on and there was nothing else to watch I'd sit through it. When it became Peter Capaldi, I sat down and gave him a chance too, I thought he was better than Smith but again, I wasn't too into it and just got on with my life.

Fast forward to today, July 16th, 2017 and the 13th incarnation of the last Timelord has been announced. Jodie Whittaker will be taking the Tardis from Peter Capaldi. Jodie got a fair amount of notoriety from playing Beth Latimer in Broadchurch and from what I saw of her on that show, she's a good actor.

What do I think about a female Doctor? I don't care, I'll give her a chance like I gave Smith and Capaldi a chance but I'm not raising my hopes up too much considering how female characters have been written before in this show and it's spinoffs. (Hint: they've not been very good.)

How does the rest of the internet feel about a female Doctor? It looks as though the extreme feminists have taken it and just ran with it, saying that it's a big step forward to gender equality, it's giving little girls hope that they too might be able to become a Doctor and it's not just the men that can do it. I have people on my Facebook feed, threatening to delete people if they don't like the fact that the new Doctor is a woman. Problem being, these people have gotta be hunting for negativity in the comment section of The Daily Mail because personally, I've not seen any negative comments about this. The worst thing I've seen is caution, which is reasonable because we don't know how it's gonna go down do we?

Being cautious is not unreasonable, they're not being sexist, or misogynistic or anything against her. Change is always a risky thing when it comes to a long running show with a changing lead actor because you don't know how the audience is going to react and you definitely don't know how the show is going to do as a result of it. The fact that The Doctor is an alien who can regenerate into whatever it wanted is cool as hell and I remember being a kid and watching David Tennant and thinking "shit yeah, I wanna be a Doctor in this show". I remember discussing who would be a cool female Doctor at school.

I and a lot of fans of the show have wanted this for a long time and I'm glad that they're going to do it, but everyone seems to be making such a huge deal out of it when there are many other things that could be considered a real step in gender equality. The only real issue I have with this is that it seems more like a move in gender politics rather than have it be beneficial to the story. As I said, I've not been keeping up with it all that much since Tennant left the role and so I don't know if there was a plot thread that was leading up to this or not but with it being 2017 and pretty much at the peak of a new wave of Feminism that seems to just complain that everything is sexist, racist, misogynist, homophobic, transphobic and every other ist and phobic you can think of, it seems as though it's more a gender politics move to appease the masses rather than have it be plot driven. That's just my opinion though.

Things to deal with to make the sexes equal rather than complaining about the gender of a character:

  • Equal sentences for crimes committed 
  • More domestic violence centres for male victims
  • Circumcision to be stopped in both genders, not just girls
  • Encourage women to take up the work that men do to close the "wage gap"
  • Equal rights in the East considering we've essentially done all we can in the West unless every country decides that we're just gonna send ourselves back to the 50's
  • Stop bitching about Trump saying to a woman that she has a nice figure and focus on his politics
  • Focus on literally anything more important than a fictional character in a TV Show about an alien who can regenerate into whatever form it chooses. 
Like I said before when Capaldi becomes Whittaker I'll give it a chance and see what's going on with it. If anything I'll get a good experience watching the regeneration because that's always interesting to see. Anyway, that's it, I'm gonna go back to writing everything else I was writing before feeling compelled to do this. Peace out, stay hydrated.

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