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Tuesday 31 October 2017

Top 5 Simpsons Tree House Of Horror Episodes

I really am a terrible person

So here's what went down. I got sick, I went to post some stuff and I have no idea how I managed it but I deleted a lot of my posts. I hate myself for this but what I don't hate myself for is binge-watching every episode of The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror and considering it is the month of Halloween, these are Halloween themed episodes and The Simpsons just flat out refuses to die, it only seems fitting that that's something I can talk about. So in today's rushed out post, I'm gonna be listing off my top ten favourite Treehouse of Horror episodes.

There isn't any particular order to this list, it's just my personal favourite episodes and you're more than welcome to disagree with me on this.

  1. The Simpsons Halloween Special. The first in the extremely long line of Simpsons episodes and easily one of the best. The episode begins with the children, Bart, Lisa & Maggie telling scary stories up in the treehouse. The stories in the episode were Bad Dream House, Hungry Are The Damned and probably the best and most Simpsons parody of Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven. Honestly, this is probably the best as it's kicked off a series of episodes that is most likely the only thing keeping The Simpsons alive. Everyone gets excited for these episodes every year and this was a great jumping off point.
  2. Treehouse Of Horror XXVI. The episode in which Sideshow Bob finally kills Bart Simpson. If you're not familiar with the (too) long-running series, Sideshow Bob Roberts was once Krusty The Clown's sidekick on his kids tv show, Bob eventually tired of being the punchline to almost all of Krusty's jokes and decided to frame him for armed robbery at the local shop in order to take over the Krusty The Clown show. Luckily, Bart believed in his idol and did everything he could until he was able to foil his evil plan and since then, Sideshow Bob has had a drive in him to murder the boy and he eventually did. I mean it did take him a good 27 seasons and didn't even manage to do it in the canonical series, he did it in the anthology series which both does and doesn't count. Either way, it's a definite fan pleaser, especially when The Simpsons was pretty much dead, it brought a little bit of traffic back to them. The other two stories in this anthology are alright, them being Homerzilla and Telepaths Of Glory. With the whole of the 27th season being boring at best, this was a good one to get you through Halloween.
  3. Treehouse Of Horror V. The very first Halloween episode of The Simpsons that I ever saw and it scared the hell out of me as a kid. My mum told me that this one would freak me out and it really did, put me off of watching regular Simpsons episodes in the dark, and that's thanks to the segment known as The Shinning. "Don't you mean The Shining?" No, what do you wanna get sued? (That's my favourite joke of the whole episode). The Shinning is, of course, a parody of the Stephen King hated version of his own work, The Shining by director Stanley Kubrick and oh my God if this isn't on a lot of fans lists for favourite Halloween episodes. The other segments are great too. Time And Punishment being about Homer trying to fix the toaster and managing to change history in doing so. Following the rule of "if you ever travel back in time, don't step on anything" it results in some pretty fun outcomes every time Homer tries to fix time. And finally, there's Nightmare Cafeteria in which the school faces an overcrowding situation and finds that cannibalism is the best way to sort that out, owing to the classic 200 Miles To Oregon for its inspiration.
  4. Treehouse Of Horror XXV. Easily my favourite one, outside of the first one. In this episode, we see current Simpsons meet their very original Tracy Ulman versions of themselves in a segment called The Others. I love this idea of old meeting new and seeing really how far everything has come since the very early days of these characters and their life. It all ends in tradgedy however but I won't spoil that here. There is also a pretty...bleh but not so bleh parody of one of my all-time favourite stories and films, A Clockwork Orange. It doesn't follow the exact story yet there are a couple of funny jokes playing with the films iconic moments and the language of the book. The other story which is pretty forgettable School Is Hell, yet it still manages to be better than a lot of previous seasons. 
  5. Treehouse Of Horror XI. The one with the dolphins. I remember watching this one as a kid and for some reason, it was on really late at night, like 10 or 11pm. Which, for a 9-year-old, is pretty late, hell it's late for a 20-year-old, that's beside the point. I remember getting to stay up late this one night and the only thing on tv was this and I had this weird thing about dolphins that just freaked me out. As I've gotten older I've watched this over and over again, and the plot to the segment Night Of The Dolphin is both fun and interesting. The other stories in the episode, G-G-Ghost Dad, a parody of the Bill Cosby crap fest of a similar name (Ghost Dad) in which Homer eats a piece of broccoli and dies has a really funny ending, despite it not being a great part of the episode, and Scary Tales Can Come True in which Bart & Lisa are Hansel & Gretel and go through that story in the only way they can. The Simpsons way, which is very hit and miss but still good.
Alrighty well that's it for this one, stay tuned for another couple of posts to finish up you're Halloween. Not like you'll be reading these on the day as you'll probably be enjoying getting wasted or something. Either way, stay hydrated and stay safe out there. You know there's a lot of crazies out there this time of year.

This is just my opinion and if you disagree then that's great, I'm open to discussion and I'm always interested to hear how you feel about the films listed. This is also a critique which is considered "Fair Use" under the Copyright Act 1976. If you like the films listed then go and support its creators by buying the DVD or Bluray.

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